Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This time, the beauty is the beast.

T.V show- Supernatural.

Character- Persephone.

I would like to add the character Persephone to the show Supernatural. Persephone is the Goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology. I think Persephone would add conflict and romance to Supernatural. Currently on Supernatural, Angles are battling Demons and Sam and Dean are battling both. The Demons are trying to persuade Sam to let Lucifer possess him so that Lucifer can start the Apocalypse, and defeat all the Angels. So far, Sam has not fallen into their treacherous trap and I do not predict that he ever will, but I think Persephone could add an interesting twist.

My idea is that since the Demons are getting no where with their plot to trap Sam, they summon Persephone to lure him in. Persephone would come in human form, and soon make Sam believe that she is nothing more than an innocent woman, with a strange attraction to him. After weeks of gaining his trust, she would make a comment that he should allow Lucifer to use his body. Of course, Sam would catch on and she would be killed. Immediately. Leaving Lucifer's plan spoiled yet again. I feel that this would add some much needed excitement to Supernatural.

After being a fan of Supernatural for years, I feel that at this point in the show, it needs something to excite the fans, maybe even make them angry with this character, make them excited to see what will happen next. The first three seasons of Supernatural are like a non stop blood bath as Dean and Sam tear through countless demons, so I think that adding Persephone and adding a character that we can all love to hate will give back to Supernatural the spark it used to have. The actress that I feel would be a good choice to play Persephone would be Christina Ricci. I chose Christina Ricci because she is the right age group as I imagined and she tends to play characters that are sometimes dark and mysterious or troubled and malicious.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Great Escape.

Character:a 93-year-old woman
Setting:a wedding reception
Time:after a big meal
Situation/Challenge:something embarrassing has just happened

Hello, my name is Agnus Mayberry. I am a simple woman, my days are boring and very seldom full of excitement. Yet somehow at this moment I find myself in a situation that is beyond normal for a woman like me. My knees shake with anxiety and my stomach churns and twitches. As a 93 year old woman, I try my best to find an excuse to stay in my house everyday. But on this cursed occasion I have been pulled from the comfort of my home to this crowded reception by none other than my own family.

This may make me seem like a cold hearted woman who thinks little of my family, but to be honest, If you were in my orthopedic arthritis resistant crocks you would understand why I do not have a great bond with my family. They have scheduled meetings with every "Elderly care unit" in my small North Carolina town and have forced me to attend a tour of every one. But that is not how I intend to spend my final years, I would like to remain in the safety of my home, which is why I am no less than bitter about being here, even if my grandson Ellis has just gotten married.

As if leaving my house was not terrible enough. Upon arriving I was forced to take pictures with every family member in attendance, while each and every one whispered words of love to me, as if I were as fragile as a bird in their hands that would fly away at any moment. After being poked and mauled by what seemed like hundreds of hands, I was left alone to eat my meal and listen to countless toasts. Somewhere after the dishes had been cleared and cake had been served, I was pulled from my seat onto the stage where my daughter whispered in my ear "Make a toast to Ellis and Julie, just say congratulations or something."

I stood there in front of the crowd, cursing every face I touched my eyes upon, I opened my mouth to say the first thing that came to my mind, when I saw my youngest grandson Jude, raise his arm and gracefully release a tennis ball from his grip, which was intended for my terrier Rusty. Before I could swerve out of its path it bonked me on top of my head, causing me to lurch forward and the unthinkable to happen. As if in slow motion I saw my dentures fly from my open mouth, small specks of saliva fly behind it and every mouth in the crowd open in horror.

So, this is what brought me to this situation. Here I am standing silently in front of my family, that is not truly my family anymore. A million questions race through my mind and I suddenly am desperate for an escape. How could I get out of here? I am a strong woman and because of my pride, I must do what I may to protect my last ounce of dignity that remains. I roll my eyes for dramatic effect and make sure that everyone can see the whites of my eyes, then, careful not to harm myself, I drop to the ground. Everyone rushes towards me, screaming, terrified. I feel a roll of laughter urge it's way up my throat but swallow it careful not to blow my cover. "Oh no!" I heard Ellis scream, he had asked me only a week ago to be mentioned in my will, as the heir to my fortune, that secretly consists of three pennies and a quarter, so this small shriek made me shiver with a menacing joy.

"She's had a heart attack!" my daughter says with tears in her eyes, I can hear her shaking voice, although my eyes are closed. "Call an ambulance!" Before long, I hear the sirens approaching and am slipped onto a stretcher and placed in the back of the ambulance. The paramedics turn away quickly and head back to where a huge crowd stands. I watch them silently through squinted eyes. I lift myself up and slink away. I head straight to my car, that is not parked far from where the ambulance is stationed. I put the car in gear and head as far away as I possibly can.

My name is Agnus Mayberry, and at this moment I sit on a beach in Hawaii. I guess that my family stuffed almost ten thousand dollars into a secret account, put away for when I decide to finally move into one of the countless "Elderly care units" I've seen. A check was sent to my house in the mail, after I was reported missing, containing all the money in that secret account. So, here I am, with the world at my feet, happy that I was able to think of the perfect escape

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Part Two of Article Assignment

In the articles that I looked at, there were some very helpful points. To write for the Tickle Trunk, a writer needs to read, this is the most important part of writing, if you have experience with stories, writing your own will be easier. Also, when your done a story, think about it. Examine it and make sure that it is how you pictured it would be.

To be able to choose writing for the Tickle Trunk section you need to be able to do these simple things:
i) Read and Listen to the story.
ii)Find a spark.
iii)Determine if the writer uses concrete imagery and vivid descriptions.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Teen Writing Article

I chose to look at a website called "" which is a website where teens post their stories, poetry and art work to be evaluated by other teens. I feel this writing is effective because It provides a way for teens to express themselves and become familiar with allowing other people to read their stories or see their drawings. I like the idea of being able to publish your work for other teens around the world to comment on and give advice. What I would like to model from this in my own writing is that I would like people to read and evaluate my writing so I can make my writing as good as possible, with the help of other teens.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Writing Inventory

In my spare time, I do write a lot. Some of my favorite authors are P.C Cast and Kristin Cast, Maggie Stiefvater, Becca Fitzpatrick, Stephanie Meyer, Robert Munsch and Dr.Suess. My favorite kind of writing is fiction,any other type of writing does not seem to hold my interest.

The type of writing that is easiest for me is fiction. Attempting to write a story on things that happened in my life, or events in the world, for me, takes the fun out of writing. In my point of view, non-fiction or informational pieces of writing are extremely difficult.

I get my ideas from many different things, many times i have found inspiration in a song I heard or a picture I've seen. I have a piece of writing that I'm working on right now, although it is no where near being finished. At the moment, my piece of writing is simply a description of characters and ideas for plot. Last winter, I wrote a fictional story for my mother, as a joke. I am most proud of this piece of writing.

I write approximately three drafts for each assignment. I think one of my strenghts as a writer would be that I can develope an idea , add structure to that idea and create a story in my head, in an extremely short amount of time. My weakness would be that I have a hard time getting the ideas in my head down on paper.

I don't exactly have a favorite subject that I enjoy writing about because I really enjoy writing in general and I will write about anything, as i said earlier I prefer to write fiction but if asked to, I will write about anything.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Application fo Entertainment.

Gray Rapids, NB

February 10, 2010

Blackville School, NB

Dear Mr.Carter,


I would like a position in the Entertainment section of The Talon. I am a people person, I enjoy hearing things from different points of view and seeing things from another persons perspective. In this way I would do well at the sections of Entertainment where I would review music or movies. If I were to review a flim or the top ten songs of this month, I would get the opinon of other people and take that into account and not base my review on my opinion only. I think I could bring a scence of personality to The Talon, for example if i were brainstorming ideas for a film review, but first I had to choose a film, I would look for a film that not only some of our schools population would enjoy. Some people enjoy films like 17 Again, others would enjoy a film like Terminator. My idea would be to review a movie that all of the student body could enjoy, a film that may be in between genres and not only direct my review to a certain group of people, but the entire school.

I hope you take my application into account and I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly,


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Facing the Truth

He sits slumped down into the chair that is stationed next to the phone; he stares at its gleaming black surface, silent and relentless.

He drifts in and out of awareness as he goes over every possible scenario in his mind. Finally the phones wail proclaims that he will soon be provided with an answer to the question that has been gnawing at the edge of his every thought for two months.

At first the only obstacle in his otherwise normal life was the sudden absence of his ability to focus his vision on the smallest of things. Letters began to blur together then faces. His first response to this problem had been that the threat of old age had crept upon him.

But then came the headaches that filled him with merciless pain, he became bed ridden and soon was transferred to a hospital.

He underwent what seemed like hundreds upon thousands of different tests, but now he was faced with the result.
With a trembling hand he retrieves the receiver from its perch, instantly silencing the phones cry.

He brings it to his ear and beads of sweat appear on his forehead. As he listens without a word he grips the receiver so tightly that his knuckles flush white. Suddenly he mumbles the word “goodbye” and the receiver falls swiftly from his hand.

Time seems to stop all focus is blurred; the receiver is still as if while plunging to the ground below, it suddenly is stopped and no gravity exists. Words fly within his brain, words he tries to eliminate as he slams his eyes shut and runs out of his house, feeling suddenly short of breath.

He collapses and feels the cold, hard surface of the pavement materialize too quickly beneath him, large tears leave paths on his face as they fall silently to the ground, he cant remember the last time he smiled and cant imagine when he ever will get the chance to again, devastation roll over him in waves and still the words don’t leave his mind…..pain, suffering, loss, then the most devastating of all words slinks slowly into view clearer than all the other words.

His head drops into his hands as he sees the word through his minds eyes and it comes to life as it slides off his tongue “cancer”.