Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ta Ta for now writing class:(

Throughout the year I thought it was the most challenging when we had to write a response on an article we read or an informational video. I found this the most challenging because I prefer writing about things I know and that matter to me. The writing I found was the easiest were the assignments where we had to write about a certain opinion we had, because nothing is easier than writing what you think.

Of all the assignments I did in this course, the one I am most proud of is called "The Great Escape." I am most proud of this post because I had a lot of fun writing it and I was able to write a story just off the top of my head about anything. I also think this post is one of my less serious, humorous ones. The writing assignment that I wish I could do over is the Time Capsule. I wish I could do this assignment over because I would leave different things behind that would portray my life and who I am better and I would have said something more meaningful.

I am a big fan of the peer assessments. I thought they were extremely helpful because they helped point out mistakes you might have missed while revising your essay that other people picked up on. I enjoyed assessing other students work because it gave me the opportunity to read other peoples blogs and hear their opinions on things, in a way it helped me get to know some people better. In my earlier writing inventory my weakness was getting my ideas down on paper and I 100% think I improved in that area. Now when I have an idea I can go directly to my blog and write it down, It is not that big of a struggle for me anymore.

The three most enjoyable activities I have done are "five out of ten", "the five best or five worst" and "fiction fun." I really enjoyed these activities because they involved writing about things I enjoy and let me decide for myself what kind of story I wanted to tell. The three least enjoyable activities I have done are "Movie review rubric", "Who I am in eight lines" and "Telling the story." I didn't enjoy these activities because to me, they were sort of boring and "Telling the Story" took a lot of time for me to write.

Overall, this course has been the most entertaining one I've been in this year. It was without a doubt my favorite class generally because of the amount of fun we had and the freedom we had to write about whatever we wanted. I am going to miss writing class for sure.