Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sinkhole swallows house

This video contains information on the current top CBC news story. A house has sunk into a sinkhole, four people are missing. The structure of the video starts with the news reporter telling of the tragedy, then explaining the rescue situation, also it immediately takes us to the scene where another reporter is waiting to give the details. The reporter at the scene tells where the incident took place, who was involved and what exactly happened. At the end of the video the reporter at the scene gave the story of a neighbor and his account of what happened when the house sunk. Also he said that a rescue is still in effect and they have yet to find the four missing people. The content of this video was to provide information on this tragedy to the Canadian people and to ensure that the most is being done to rescue those that are missing. I think this video was made to calm the people who have heard of this event and are on edge while wondering if the people involved are okay. Also I think it was made to tell the true story of what took place because I'm sure most people are wondering what truly happened. The style of this video includes shots of what is visible of the house and the surrounding area. This really puts some emphases on the severity of the situation, only the roof of the house is visible from the road. The format of this video was long yet interesting. It was very informative and gave all the details of the event. It also included some very good shots of the house and the damage that was done. These elements make the video appealing because it gives us all the information we need to understand the situation yet keeps our attention throughout.

My section of the school newspaper is the Tickle Trunk. I am in charge of the writing/poetry section. If I were to include a video in my section, I could have the author of the story explaining the details of their story such as their ideas and inspiration. Also they could say their favorite authors and influences.