Monday, May 31, 2010

Finally, someone took a torch to MTV live

You just get home from an extremely fun Friday night and you plop down on the couch to end your perfect night with some good TV. Show titles fly through your mind as you flick on the TV and you settle on "disaster date" or "The Dudesons in America." You punch in the channel numbers, press enter and your increasingly amazing night comes to a instant halt. Your mind is processing how crappy everything just got when you hear "Welcome to MTV live!!" and there goes the last ounce of the good night that you were once enjoying. This is why MTV live should burn.

I was never a fan of MTV live, for that some people think of me as weird. I remember the first time I stumbled upon it in my travels through the channels. I clicked on it, sat there in utter dumbfounded shock and then quickly moved on to another channel that had a little meaning. The first thing that causes me to loathe MTV live is that there is no point to it at all. It has about as much point to it as a show about filming animals with a wide angle lens. It doesn't address any real point, in the time I have been forced to watch it with my sister against my will, the only things they talk about are Justin Bobby from The Hills and Paul the intern. Tell me, what makes Paul so awesome? I saw one episode that focused on watching Paul The Intern eat, and this show has tonnes of viewers. Geez, if that's what makes good TV to the general public, I'll go buy a couple burgers at Rotten Ronnies, prop up a video camera and let people watch me eat. Then every few minutes I'll say "OMG isn't Justin Bobby just worthy enough of wasting an hour of our time?" There ya go, I would have my very own version of MTV live. Someone could stand in front of me saying "mamamamrgfarsdaurgaburger" and I would come away with the same understanding I would have if I watched 100 episodes of MTV live.
The whole thing just infuriates me. While watching MTV live it feels like your trapped in time. It only lasts a half an hour but I swear that my mind goes into a type of sleep mode and it feels like 40 days go by in the time it takes for that stupid show to finish. I think MTV live knows how much I hate it and haunts me because every time I turn on the TV it's on. Another thing about MTV live that really grinds my gears, bursts my bubble, pokes my nervous system is the annoying people who are the hosts, Nicole and Daryn.... and the other people but let me be honest, Nicole and Daryn are the ones that really just make me want to crack my skull with a golf club until I can't hear they're annoying voices. Why do I hate them? Well, in my opinion MTV live focuses on it's hosts and not actual events, or music or well geez MTV live you could talk about a couple shows if you were up to it. Since when is it entertainment to watch a bunch of people talk about things that are not relevant to anything. It's just simply not entertainment.

Some people may say that it is entertaining. Some people think MTV live is a n enjoyable, humorous TV show that gives them a break from TV shows that are all together way too serious. One viewer said "MTV Live is funny and I'm proud that we're producing something of this caliber in Canada. The hosts are charismatic and from watching the show they all seem like they love their job and are having a lot of fun, which I think translates into good television. That's my two cents." Another said "MTV Live is one of the best things that has ever happened to MTV in my opinion."

Am I cold hearted if I think that is rubbish? Say what you will but I will always and forever be a die hard MTV live hater.