Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ta Ta for now writing class:(

Throughout the year I thought it was the most challenging when we had to write a response on an article we read or an informational video. I found this the most challenging because I prefer writing about things I know and that matter to me. The writing I found was the easiest were the assignments where we had to write about a certain opinion we had, because nothing is easier than writing what you think.

Of all the assignments I did in this course, the one I am most proud of is called "The Great Escape." I am most proud of this post because I had a lot of fun writing it and I was able to write a story just off the top of my head about anything. I also think this post is one of my less serious, humorous ones. The writing assignment that I wish I could do over is the Time Capsule. I wish I could do this assignment over because I would leave different things behind that would portray my life and who I am better and I would have said something more meaningful.

I am a big fan of the peer assessments. I thought they were extremely helpful because they helped point out mistakes you might have missed while revising your essay that other people picked up on. I enjoyed assessing other students work because it gave me the opportunity to read other peoples blogs and hear their opinions on things, in a way it helped me get to know some people better. In my earlier writing inventory my weakness was getting my ideas down on paper and I 100% think I improved in that area. Now when I have an idea I can go directly to my blog and write it down, It is not that big of a struggle for me anymore.

The three most enjoyable activities I have done are "five out of ten", "the five best or five worst" and "fiction fun." I really enjoyed these activities because they involved writing about things I enjoy and let me decide for myself what kind of story I wanted to tell. The three least enjoyable activities I have done are "Movie review rubric", "Who I am in eight lines" and "Telling the story." I didn't enjoy these activities because to me, they were sort of boring and "Telling the Story" took a lot of time for me to write.

Overall, this course has been the most entertaining one I've been in this year. It was without a doubt my favorite class generally because of the amount of fun we had and the freedom we had to write about whatever we wanted. I am going to miss writing class for sure.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Finally, someone took a torch to MTV live

You just get home from an extremely fun Friday night and you plop down on the couch to end your perfect night with some good TV. Show titles fly through your mind as you flick on the TV and you settle on "disaster date" or "The Dudesons in America." You punch in the channel numbers, press enter and your increasingly amazing night comes to a instant halt. Your mind is processing how crappy everything just got when you hear "Welcome to MTV live!!" and there goes the last ounce of the good night that you were once enjoying. This is why MTV live should burn.

I was never a fan of MTV live, for that some people think of me as weird. I remember the first time I stumbled upon it in my travels through the channels. I clicked on it, sat there in utter dumbfounded shock and then quickly moved on to another channel that had a little meaning. The first thing that causes me to loathe MTV live is that there is no point to it at all. It has about as much point to it as a show about filming animals with a wide angle lens. It doesn't address any real point, in the time I have been forced to watch it with my sister against my will, the only things they talk about are Justin Bobby from The Hills and Paul the intern. Tell me, what makes Paul so awesome? I saw one episode that focused on watching Paul The Intern eat, and this show has tonnes of viewers. Geez, if that's what makes good TV to the general public, I'll go buy a couple burgers at Rotten Ronnies, prop up a video camera and let people watch me eat. Then every few minutes I'll say "OMG isn't Justin Bobby just worthy enough of wasting an hour of our time?" There ya go, I would have my very own version of MTV live. Someone could stand in front of me saying "mamamamrgfarsdaurgaburger" and I would come away with the same understanding I would have if I watched 100 episodes of MTV live.
The whole thing just infuriates me. While watching MTV live it feels like your trapped in time. It only lasts a half an hour but I swear that my mind goes into a type of sleep mode and it feels like 40 days go by in the time it takes for that stupid show to finish. I think MTV live knows how much I hate it and haunts me because every time I turn on the TV it's on. Another thing about MTV live that really grinds my gears, bursts my bubble, pokes my nervous system is the annoying people who are the hosts, Nicole and Daryn.... and the other people but let me be honest, Nicole and Daryn are the ones that really just make me want to crack my skull with a golf club until I can't hear they're annoying voices. Why do I hate them? Well, in my opinion MTV live focuses on it's hosts and not actual events, or music or well geez MTV live you could talk about a couple shows if you were up to it. Since when is it entertainment to watch a bunch of people talk about things that are not relevant to anything. It's just simply not entertainment.

Some people may say that it is entertaining. Some people think MTV live is a n enjoyable, humorous TV show that gives them a break from TV shows that are all together way too serious. One viewer said "MTV Live is funny and I'm proud that we're producing something of this caliber in Canada. The hosts are charismatic and from watching the show they all seem like they love their job and are having a lot of fun, which I think translates into good television. That's my two cents." Another said "MTV Live is one of the best things that has ever happened to MTV in my opinion."

Am I cold hearted if I think that is rubbish? Say what you will but I will always and forever be a die hard MTV live hater.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

LOL=D [persuasive essay format]

The title of the article I have chosen is LOL=D, I found this video on Teen Ink. The author of this post is Lauren B from Rockwell, TX. The opening paragraph contains the main point which is "why texting can sometimes be rude." The opening paragraph really caught my attention because It is a topic that I completely agree with, when I am having a conversation with someone and they wip their phone out and start texting it really bugs me. There are five paragraphs in this article and they all have importance to the thesis. In one part the writer uses another resource to back up her statement "Supporters say that texting is useful in situations where calling is not permitted; it is less obtrusive and more easily ignored than a phone call, perhaps even more polite. However, while texting does not involve speaking out loud, it is still an interruption and therefore still can be considered just as rude." The writer presents other sides of the argument because she says "Maybe I am old-fashioned. Perhaps I haven't caught up with the times. Maybe I was raised differently, or maybe I am just plain weird. Whatever the case, I consider texting in the middle of a conversation, a movie, or a lecture ridiculous and unnecessary. " The writer has convinced me of her argument because she presents points that I have noticed before and took into account. The writer could have mentioned some experiences she has had with people who text during a conversation and how they only hear half of what you are saying and how they are barely engaged in the conversation. A counter argument the writer did not include was that some people may have the ability to be completely engaged in a conversation but still be texting at the same time. I did not exactly find the conclusion effective because I thought she could have ended it stronger and added more effective points. I did not notice any spelling or grammar mistakes. I liked this article because it addresses a point that I have been arguing for a while. Nothing is more annoying than when you are in a conversation with someone and the pull out their phone when you say something important and start tittering and teeheeing over a text. It's ridiculous.

Monday, May 17, 2010

How To: stay sain while babysitting

You are at home, your sister just got her license and she wants to take you for a drive. You are extremely excited to go and then the phone rings. "hello?" you say all happy and in a good mood "hello Taylar? yes, this is Jerk Funkiller and I was wondering if you could watch the kids tonight while me and the Misses take in a movie." Then comes the awkward silence while your fighting back the string of things you want to say " My lord man! You would call right now wouldn't ya? You have a chip in your head that says OH! Taylar wants to go have fun, I must call her up and get her to watch Satan's children while I stay out all night and then come home and pay her 5 dollars." You keep this back and politely say "yes" and then ten minutes later you're sitting on a couch surrounded by 5 children who are all screaming different things.

This, is probably a situation we have all been in. Here are a couple of tips on how to stay sain while babysitting.
First, this is something every babysitter must remember. This first one is called "being in two places at once" and it involves being physically capable to run to all corners of a house. Here is a situation in which the "being in two places at once" rule would apply. There are two children, one says "play hide and seek with me" and the other one says "come downstairs and play my new video game with me" you may not want to but you agree to both things. Here is when being fit comes into play, you must tell the hide and go seeker that you are scared of counting and you have to hide all the time. While she is counting you run downstairs and quickly play a round of "spongebob bubble blast" with the other child. When you hear "ready or not!" you run into the nearest closet and wait to be found. Then start the process over, this is very effective because in most cases the children don't notice that you are not really interested in what ever they want you to play with them.

Second, this one is essential for survival. This one is called "the tear monster" Everyone knows there is nothing more annoying than a child that cries ALL THE TIME. This is how to avoid such a dramatic dilemma. Here is a situation in which you can use this tip. You are playing "snakes and ladders" when someone cheats and the other child notices and immediately starts screaming with tears rolling down their face. Then the child that cheated starts crying and pleading innocent. You take a second to process the events that just took place because nothing springs on you quicker than a tantrum. After you ready yourself you simply say "ya know what Satan's seeds? When I was younger I had this friend carlos and he cried a lot but one day carlos went missing. He cried because his sister cheated and denied it and so the Tear Monster came and ate him and he died." This stops all tears and you never have to worry about such things happening again because you add in this little detail " I know the Tear Monster, I have his phone number on speed dial."

Third, last but definitely not least is my favorite tip. "The truth bender" When you didn't want to babysit in the first place and then you get there and all the kids want to do is play games and run around, you have a very short fuse and absolutely no desire to get up off the couch. Here is a situation in which you can use "the truth bender." You are sitting on the couch watching a movie you were waiting all day to see when one of the children comes up to you and says "chase me! chase me!" You then say "hold on a sec bud, come sit down there is a princess in this movie and I know you will like it." This guarantees that you will be able to watch the entire movie because if the child says "when is the princess coming?" you say "umm, I think it's soon just watch." This can go on until the movie is over and then you can simply explain the lack of princess in the movie by saying "oh sorry bud, it must have been the wrong movie."

I hope these tips help some of you because they have helped me get out of some, well situations I didn't want to be in. CAUTION: some of these tips may cause parents never to call you again. But, be happy you got the situation over with and didn't lose your mind in the battle.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sinkhole swallows house

This video contains information on the current top CBC news story. A house has sunk into a sinkhole, four people are missing. The structure of the video starts with the news reporter telling of the tragedy, then explaining the rescue situation, also it immediately takes us to the scene where another reporter is waiting to give the details. The reporter at the scene tells where the incident took place, who was involved and what exactly happened. At the end of the video the reporter at the scene gave the story of a neighbor and his account of what happened when the house sunk. Also he said that a rescue is still in effect and they have yet to find the four missing people. The content of this video was to provide information on this tragedy to the Canadian people and to ensure that the most is being done to rescue those that are missing. I think this video was made to calm the people who have heard of this event and are on edge while wondering if the people involved are okay. Also I think it was made to tell the true story of what took place because I'm sure most people are wondering what truly happened. The style of this video includes shots of what is visible of the house and the surrounding area. This really puts some emphases on the severity of the situation, only the roof of the house is visible from the road. The format of this video was long yet interesting. It was very informative and gave all the details of the event. It also included some very good shots of the house and the damage that was done. These elements make the video appealing because it gives us all the information we need to understand the situation yet keeps our attention throughout.

My section of the school newspaper is the Tickle Trunk. I am in charge of the writing/poetry section. If I were to include a video in my section, I could have the author of the story explaining the details of their story such as their ideas and inspiration. Also they could say their favorite authors and influences.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The player:] Academy Award Material

Friday, April 30, 2010

Forrester, where are you???!!!

Finding Forrester, was released December 19th, 2000. This movie stars Sean Connery, Rob Brown and Anna Paquin. This movie was directed by Gus Van Sant.

This movie is about a teenage boy named Jamal Wallace. Jamal is an extremely smart young man, though he hides this from his peers. One night, while taking part in usual shenanigans with his friends Jamal happens to meet a mysterious old man, who he befriends. After turning in some impressive test scores Jamal is offered a chance to attend a top private school. He accepts this request with the help of the mystery man. Jamal expresses himself through writing which is what brought him and the mystery man together. Throughout their time together Jamal learns from the mystery man and betters himself through their strange friendship. He also betters himself by meeting new people at his new school and expanding his knowledge and to add a twist to the plot. He discovers a author who has been in hiding for years.

Jamal's need to write the things that he can't say out loud to his peers reminds me of Tyler Hawkins in the film Remember Me. In the film, Tyler's brother commits suicide and Tyler wants a way to continue to share his life with his brother. He does this through going back to the last place they were together and writing to his brother. I saw the similarities between the writing aspects of these movies because both men were very intelligent and used writing to express the things they could not otherwise say.

In my opinion the soundtrack for "Finding Forrester" was very appropriate. It helped to develop the characters because the music that is played in certain situations that the characters go through helps to give you a feeling of what type of person they are.

To me, the theme in "Finding Forrester" was very easy to point out. I thought that the theme of this movie was express yourself openly for who you are. If you have a talent or something you are proud of, don't hide it because you are scared that you will be ridiculed for it. In my opinion the theme can be summed up in two quotes. " We must not only give what we have, we must give what we are." and "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." Take from those quotes what you must, and see if they symbolize the theme in the film "Finding Forrester."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Feel the wrath of my lightsaber

I have selected a review on the movie Fanboys, which is arguably the best movie EVER. It is about a group of friends that travel across the country in order to watch Star Wars: Episode 1 — The Phantom Menace before anyone else.I chose this particular review because, unfortunately this man named John Scott Lewinski thought it would be a good idea to trash talk this movie.

First, this John fellow, insults the funniest character in the entire movie. John whatever his name is says "Dan Folger (Balls of Fury) plays Hutch — the same fat, obnoxious, womanizing slob found in every one of these movies since John Belushi arrived as John "Bluto" Blutarsky in 1978’s Animal House." It is not nice to make fun of someones weight, whether you like their acting or not. Perhaps you're overweight John?

Second, he tries to say that the plot is tired and been done too many times. I will admit, the Family Guy spoofs are getting old. But, any true fan will admit that this story just takes us where we all would like to be some day, fans traveling across the country just to catch a glimpse of the greatness that is Star Wars. Plus, what fan doesn't enjoy a movie devoted to something we love.

Third, and perhaps the most insulting of all. Linus(one of the main characters) is dying of cancer and John has the nerve to say that his decease was just "a cynical ploy by screenwriters Ernest Cline and Adam F. Goldberg to give the story some weight beyond the overeager passions of fandom run amok. The script doesn’t even have the courage to face the life-and-death issue head-on, as Linus never has a proper exit scene." HELLO? If you were going on one last trip with your friends, would you honestly dampen the moment by crying about your cancer the entire time? NO. Linus came to terms with the fact that his illness was incurable and had fun while he could. I was not impressed with this review.

The type of movies I enjoy can range from romance to action/gore. I will happily watch any movie that is handed to me, but I will be the first to admit if the movie was a complete waste of my time that I will never get back. If I could review one movie, I think it would be this movie I saw once called "Hellbreeder." It is the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. If I had the opportunity to tell the people who made it how horrible it was, that would be an honour.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Activities from (Bonus)

Letting them Go:

The theory "If you love something, let it go" makes no sense whatsoever to me. If you love something and it makes you happy, why on earth would you ever want to deprive yourself of that because you have the faintest idea that the other person or thing that you love is not happy. Easy solution, ask them! There are some cases where this would apply like to the crazy lady in Stephen Kings movie Misery, she abducted the man she loved and tried to kill him. But, what would have happened if the kid from Free Willy, just let Willy go? Chances are, he would be killed. Everyone has an opinion about this theory, to me it's just stupid. Why give up something that could make you happy? Ten years down the road, you could be looking back at the moment you let what you once loved go and you could regret it. Whoever the person was that came up with the idea that giving up something you love was a good thing probably never came in contact with a situation where he/she had to decide whether to let their loved one go or stay with them. If he/she had, they would be singing a different tune.

I remember when I was a kid, I used to believe that my shadow was my best friend. Then, I would find myself screaming at whoever walked over the place where my black figure was mirrored obscuring it to look half like me and half like them. To this day, I love when out of no where I look to the ground and see my darkened figure dancing along mimicking my movements. I always thought that It helped me see myself the way everyone else would see me, how I looked to others. It also provided a sence of what I could become when I moved a certain way and It became a giant. Some people think that shadows are creepy and that they make them think of monsters lurking around corners and waiting to pop out. But in my opinion, your shadow is just another friend that no matter where you go, will only be a hint of sun shine away.

What is Love?
What is love? baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. I saw this question and felt it completely necessary to write about the legendary song What is Love by Haddaway. I know this is not the way this question was supposed to be answered but if you know the song, you understand why I could not possibly pass this opportunity up. The song what is love? by Haddaway honestly must have been written to scramble your brain so that every time you hear it, it gets stuck in your head for weeks at a time. When I listen to this song, without even noticing it, my head starts to bob and my toes start to tap. In my opinion, there must have been a "No one will dance" epidemic in the year this song was created. Making it necessary for the government to get someone to write a song that would force people to dance. This song was it. If you have never heard it, give it a listen. It's life changing.

Random thoughts.
Pickles. I hate pickles, I can eat one every month and I am completely satisfied. When I go to a restaurant and I say no pickles on my burger and I wait patiently for my order to be ready. I take one big bite and chomp into a nice old pickle. When this happens to me, I just feel like standing on the table and screaming " did I not say no blasted pickles!!! turn up your hearing aid dippidy doo da waitress." But I refrain from doing this so as not to be banned from the restaurant. I also like Doritos. I'm not really sure if I like Sweet Chili Heat or Cool Ranch better though. It is deffinatly a tough decision to make. But, my theory is this. You just simply can not eat Doritos without blue Power-aid. It can not be done. Another thing I am a huge fan of is Tim Burton, that man is a genius. A lot of people say that his movies are demented and disturbing but I love them all. Corpse Bride, The nightmare before Christmas, Coraline, Edward Scissorhands, 9, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Sleepy Hallow, Beetlejuice. All of those movies and all the other ones are terrific! I'm a big fan of Alphagetie too.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Elf Warrior

Once upon a time, there were two elves named Pippin and Merry. These two jolly little gentlemen were servants of Santa, but they were also firm believers in that Christmas wasn't all about toys and goodies. They believed that each little elf should have Christmas off to spend with his family. But Santa would have none of that. To be truthful, Pippin and Merry; along with all the other elves, were scared of Santa. Because, Santa is not how he is said to be. He is tall and lean and a true mean machine. He feasts on reindeer and forces the elves to sing Christmas tunes all year long.

One day, Pippin ran to Merry's house and told him that there were some things they needed to discuss. They talked about how harsh and cruel Santa was and how they were still grieving over their dear friends Snap, Crackle and Pop who were thrown into the reindeer house and devoured after disobeying Santa. Then, the plan that would change their lives forever came into their minds. They would destroy Santa and then escape the North Pole.

Pippin and Merry, who lived on the far side of Santa's Village packed their bags and dressed warmly to face the North Poles harsh elements. They stepped out of Merry's house and headed towards the "Toy Tower" which is what Santa named his castle. They walked for 23 days and 23 nights through freezing rain and snow and finally made it to the entrance. They looked at each other and nodded, ready to face their challenge.

Pippin and Merry climbed the south wall and soon found themselves inside Toy Tower, where everything was on fire and blown to smithereens. Pippin and Merry set out in a full sprint towards the Toy Towers main room where they knew Santa would be just beginning his feast. They wondered which reindeer would be sacrificed today. Merry said that he would go in on the left side and Pippin said he would take the right. When they opened the door, they saw Santa sitting at his table with a reindeer in his over-sized hand. They cringed when they recognized it as Prancer.

Just as Merry let out a small gasp, Santa saw them standing in the doorway, he let out a loud battle cry and the two elves took off in their separate directions. That is when it all went wrong. Pippin was running with all his strength, trying to reach the spot behind Santa where he could jump on his back and inject a poison that would kill him instantly. Before he reached his destination he heard a crack and a high pitched scream, he turned to see Merry in one of Santa's huge hands...He was dead.

Pippin stopped only for a moment in utter disbelief, then he continued running suddenly full of rage, he jumped the highest he had ever jumped and landed right on Santa's huge shoulder. He shoved the needle into his back and Santa fell limp. But, when he fell, he knocked Pippin from his shoulder and onto the floor, where Santa collapsed on top of him. Everything was still, there was no movement, then from beneath Santa came a small noise and then Pippin stood up. He was holding Santa over his head with the strength of a thousand elves. He threw Santa aside and walked slowly to where Merry lay still.

He picked his dead friend up off the ground and carried him out of Toy Tower where he was greeted by the other elves who heard the commotion and came to see what was happening. Pippin handed over Merry's body and turned in the opposite direction of the crowd. He walked away and was never seen again, but it is said that he still walks the earth, fighting any mythical creature that does not understand the true meaning of Christmas.

The End.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Volchuck=Tear jerking tank top wearer.

Most people favour the protagonist when watching a film. Not me. I love a good old fashion villain who comes out on top in the end. The sad thing is, you don't find that very often. A few years ago my friend Gina introduced me to a show called The OC which is basically about the troubles that rich kids have. PFFFFTTTT please, "oh dear, I dropped my blackberry in the huge pool in my back yard. I guess I'll have to go buy another one, maybe an Iphone this time." But that is another argument for another time. Anyway, Gina was one of those obsessed fans and she begged me to watch one episode with her. Much to my dismay, I was hooked.

In that series, there is one character that I fell in love with at first sight. I guess I could say "he had me at hello." His name was Volchuck. If any of you are familiar with the series, you may be thinking that I'm a traitor and that I couldn't possibly like him after all he's done. As I stated earlier, I love the villains.

In The OC Volchuck was; from the first moment we see him, portrayed as someone you wouldn't trust. We meet him and immediately identify him as the bully, the troublemaker. He causes a lot of problems for Ryan who is the main character and threatens his cozy life with the Cohens. After Ryan and Marissa(the leading female role) break-up, Marissa falls into Volchucks well kept biceps, making Volchuck the new love interest.

After dating for a while Marissa sees the error of her ways and dumps Volchuck. He is completely devastated. He begs Marissa to give him a second chance, when she rejects him, things take a tragic turn. This situation turns into a high-speed Chase, with Marissa and Ryan in one vehicle and Volchuck and his friend in the other. Volchuck makes his car collide with Ryans in an attempt to get Ryan to stop so he can win Marissa in a jealous brawl. He ends up running them off the road which results in Marissa's death.

Sure, you're probably thinking "GOODNESS GLACIERS HE IS A NUT CASE" but he is not. After this traumatic event, Volchuck shows that he is extremely sorry, he states that it was just an accident. He flees the country in hopes of avoiding Ryans wrath, isolating himself. Now, this is where I became sympathetic towards Volchuck. He is all alone in Mexico, feeling guilty for causing the death of the only girl he has ever loved. Also, he hides himself because he knows that if Ryan finds him, he will kill him. Imagine, you're in a strange place, you just caused the death of someone you truly loved, and you are awaiting your murderer.

Somehow I find it hard not to be sympathetic, put yourself in this situation, I would want someone to feel sorry for me. So, this is one case where the villain does not come out on top, but definitely wins the hearts of some previous doubters.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Taylar, you're one cool Assassin

If I could trade places with any fictional character, I would choose Ezio from the video game Assassins Creed 2. This may seem unlikely for me, but I absolutely love that game and I think Ezio is just the bees knees. After playing this game, I think living the life of Ezio would be amazingly exciting. Here are some reasons why.

First, Ezio has this amazing ability where he can climb up the side of any building and run on rooftops without ever loosing balance. You could compare his ability's to Spiderman's minus the webs. This provides a easy get away when being followed by guards. Also, what could possibly be better than running around climbing buildings all day? I agree, nothing.

Next, I will ask you to direct your eyes up. See that right there? That picture my friends, is of Ezio. Another reason why I think being Ezio would be a mind blowing experience would be that he gets to wear that awesome outfit. When you first begin playing as Ezio you are wearing weird pants and a pirate shirt, or at least that's how I would describe it. Next, you look in an old trunk and find the outfit that Ezio is wearing above. CABLAM!!! you look awesome.

I don't only want to live as Ezio because he looks cool and can climb a building. No, no, no my fine friends there is much more to it than that. Ezio, as the title of this game implies is an Assassin. Which can only mean one thing. He can kick some rear end. That picture right there is of Ezio destroying three guards with a pole-type thing.

Again, I will ask you to direct your eyes up to the other picture. See those knives on his arms? Those are my favorite weapons in the history of video game weapons. Not that I would use them in real life, if I were Ezio. I just think they look cool and would scare the bageebers out of some civilians. Again, not that I would ever use them.

Ezio has gone through a lot. His father and brothers were betrayed by a family friend, which led to them being sentenced to death and being hung. He has a lot of anger and he seeks to wreak vengeance on the people who betrayed his father and caused the death of those that he loved. But all this anger only makes him a more entertaining character to play and I'm positive living as him would be a interesting challenge. If I could, I would change places with Ezio in a second and CABLAM!!!!! I would be awesome.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who I am in Eight Lines.

Exercise 1

Jedi-type skills, funny, outgoing, creative
Daughter of Jackie and Garley Curtis
Music, Movies, Star Wars
Snakes, Crystal Palace's Crystal, The Omen's Damien
Go to Rome, grow up to make a difference, stay close with my Friends.
Resident of The Rapids.

Exercise 2

Coffee Maker

Bubble Bubble!
Drip Drip!

Exercise 3

You're another year older
It's not hard to tell
For the droop in your shoulder
and the way your wrinkles swell
If the weather seems colder
It's your blood pressure that fell
But even though you're older
I still love you as well.

Happy Birthday

Monday, March 29, 2010

Snooping causes chaos

My funniest experience is set in Toronto, where I spent two weeks of last summer with my grandfather. While we were there my grandfather told us that he had someone he wanted us to meet. We piled into his jeep, and drove down busy streets until we came to the biggest house I had ever seen in my entire life. My sister and brother bolted from the car followed by myself while we listened to my mother scowl in disapproval. My grandfather led us around the mansion to a garden area where the smell of barbecue filled the air. An older man approached us and my grandfather introduced him as Louie, one of his best friends. He then introduced us to Louie's wife Vera and their daughter. They were from a place outside of Italy and spoke with Italian accents. They prepared great Italian food for us, then told us stories of my grandfathers younger days. After sitting for a long while, I asked if I could use their restroom. My brother and sister quickly spoke up and said they needed to go too. But in truth, we just wanted to explore the mansion that sat in front of us. After getting the directions to the bathroom we all headed in the house and were instantly amazed by the marble counter tops, and winding stair case. As you could imagine, we ran straight up the stairs. After climbing the summit to the top, we heard a voice from outside call "have you found it?" we answered that we had and found the room labeled bathroom. We opened the door and found the largest room in the house. We all walked in in stunned amazement. The largest bathtub I had ever seen sat in the corner beside 3 sinks and a gold towel holder. Unaware that we were now in separate parts of the room, I turned quickly at the sound of my brothers voice "Guys look at this!" My sister and I quickly went to where he was standing and saw what all the fuss was about. He was standing in front of a Toilet Baday. Which is a devise you sit on and it shoots water up, needless to say, we had never seen such a contraption in our lives. We were confused and a little" weirded out" by the strange invention, so my brother decided to turn its silver tap. Out of no where an ambush of water shot up into my brothers face sending us all fleeing quickly from the scene. When we were a safe distance away, at the bottom of the stairs, all my sister and I could do was laugh at the site of our poor drenched brother. There was nothing left to do but face the poor people whose house we just raided. Upon the site of my brother, they immediately asked what happened and we were forced to tell the truth. They laughed and said "this is not the first time this has happened." So, here is a helpful little tip. Never snoop in another persons house and never trust strange contraptions.

The way I picture Heaven.

When I was a kid, my little cousin died. It affected the way I looked at things and the way I looked at faith. Back then, I wanted to believe that he was in a really fun place where he would be happy and safe. So I guess that idea stuck because the vision I developed of Heaven is still how I see it today. I always pictured that when you enter the gates of Heaven, you are immediately reunited with all the loved ones you have lost. Then, you enter what looks like a big subdivision and all the houses are made of clouds. Everyone who is gone gets a house, so there are people mowing cloud lawns and watering cloud flowers. Everyone is happy and safe and together. It may sound far fetched but, that is my vision of Heaven.

Brother causes sleep deprivation***********

Well, if I said that I was a little less than jazzed about being here today. That would be a lie. I am completely disgusted with the fact that I am at school. On a normal day, I can tolerate coming to school. But today, no sir, today is different. Last night I got exactly three hours of sleep. Why so little you ask. I spent half the night studying and preparing my speech. The other half, I have my brother to blame for. You see, my brothers excessive WoW playing keeps me up at night. The boys bedroom is just a mere wall away from mine. So, when he comes upstairs at 3 o'clock after a long day and half a night of questing and running dungeons; he is of course hungry. He spends approximately 30 minutes making a sandwich and enjoys it while watching a movie in his bedroom, with the volume turned up way too loud. After this, he takes his dishes out to the kitchen and knocks on my door, wanting to talk about newly acquired gear, new mounts and something about wanting to use my account for a new character. My brother is easily one of my best friends, but I must admit. After a long night of the events listed above, I contemplate slipping him sleep pills and getting a much needed good nights sleep.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Clark, My dear boy*************************

If I were stranded on a island and I had one wish; there is no doubt in my mind who I would wish for. Clark Kent. Why? Because he is super man! Why on earth would you waste your time wishing for someone who could at most be your version of Wilson from Cast Away ( for those who don't know. Cast Away is a Tom Hanks movie where he gets stranded on an island and uses a volley ball named Wilson for company) Why ask for company when you could get a way out. I would wish for Clark Kent because he could just hop into his Superman suit and get us off the island. It's just that easy.


Argue with me if you must, but in my personal opinion The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers and Transformers are all super hero's. So if I were to be any super hero, I would combine all three groups and make myself the ultimate super hero. Picture this in your mind. A robot with a shell and power ranger helmet. Anything better? I think not. I would be a master with Katana, nunchucks, bo staff, and sai( super cool swords). I could turn into a car at any time and have an awesome suit. If I could actually become a Ninja-Ranger-Former my life would be complete.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hey there Dawson, whats it like in westchester?

My names Dawson. I live in Westchester. It rains here. I live in a yellow house with my mom and my dog boomerang Sam. Wanna know why I called em Boomerang Sam? cause he got hit by 4 cars but keeps comin back. Mom told me I had to go for a walk today. When I went outside Boomerang Sam wouldn't shut his trap so I had to go pet him for a couple minutes. After that I hopped the fence and went to see my neighbour Mr.Jenkins. He's a monster. Wanna know how I know? One night me and my best pal Jim Crandle snuck over to his window and saw him pluck his teeth right from his mouth. I went home and told mommy and she just said he could do that cause he's old. But I had to cut through his yard to get my baseball cap out of his tree. Jim through it up there. He sure is a stinker. Old Jenkins was mowin his lawn so I ran just as fast as I could. Then I seen his fat baby Maggie and thought I'd say hey to her. When he saw me he got hollerin for me to go away from his baby cause once she through her dolly at me and I spit right on her. I just kept right on runnin, climbed that big tree, got my cap and left. I ran along the side of the fence, hopped onto Mr.Jenkins's shed and into Mrs.Molly's yard. Shes a ol bum if I ever seen one. She's all the time hollerin for me to get back home and stay outta her yard. I thought I'd pay her back for when she told mama I was a bad boy so when I passed her, I threw my toad Thomas at her. I keep em in my pocket so mama dont see em. She let out a big ol wail and I took off. I ran right passed her bird bath, her wheel barrel and around the light post till I got to the McMillan farm. That ol gal Mrs.McMillan is a nice ol girl, she gives me toonies to catch tad poles outta her stream. I popped in to say hey then ran to the woods to hide till big bum Mrs.Molly shut her trap. I could hear her ol mouth a gabbin "Mira Pierce! where is Mira Pierce? her boy done just threw a toad on me." After about 2 hours Mrs.Molly shut up and I started on home cause I was gettin hungry. I walked outta the woods and past Jeremy's house. He got a big ol dog named Jumpin Jupiter and he sure is a mean ol thing. He's huge too. He stands taller than me! So I was real sneaky when I passed Jeremy's place so I wouldn't wake ol Jumpin Jupiter. When I got passed Jeremy's car, I let out a hoop cause I thought I got passed that mean ol dog. But first thing I knew after that I felt a big ol tug on my shorts and there was Jumpin Jupiter clamped right onto my shorts. I slapped him in the head so he'd let go and took off like a scared rabbit. He come right on behind me though as fast as he could. I ran across the street, around a tree, back out onto the street, down the side walk and then up onto Mrs.Molly's car. which got her hollerin again but I hadda find a way to ditch ol Jumpin Jupiter. But let me tell ya, they don't call em Jumpin Jupiter for nothin. He was up on the hood of the car in a blink of my eye. So there I went again. Off the car, down and into Mr.Jenkins's shed. I thought for sure I'd lose him there. But he came right on behind me. So I ran into my teepee I made three days ago, thinkin he'd quit, be he never so I had to keep goin. I jumped with all my strength over the garbage can, and Jumpin Jupiter did the same. I jumped over my bright red Radio Flyer wagon and saw ol Jumpin Jupiter bound over that too. After that I ran right into my house and shut the door real quick. Mama was waitin for me of cause cause she heard all the thrashin and goin and thought I was bein killed or somethin. She was just about to roar at me but heard my ol belly growl and saw the tear in my shorts and just gave me a big ol hug. I never got in no trouble after all. I think I'll go for another walk tomorrow.

Spelling is supposed to be bad.

Pretty mean Swines.

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. There was Curly. He was the oldest.There was Wurly. He was the smartest. And then there was Flo. She was the favorite pig.Their mother loved Flo the best. Curly, Wurly and Flo lived with their mother in a high-riseapartment building in New York City. Their apartment was on the 75th floor.The pigs didn’t mind this because there was an elevator that opened right in front of their apartment door. It was on the days that their elevator wasn’t working, that the pigs suffered.Their little hoofs would be aching by the time they reached their apartment.Their mother would have to have little hoof baths waiting for her three little pigs when they finally reached the top. Of course, Flo always got the warmest hoof bath because she was their mother’s favorite. One day, Mama Pig sent the three pigs to the store to buy apples for their dinner. She gave them a list of items that she needed.She also gave them their allowance, and she told them that they could buy their favorite candy which they would eat for their dessert. The three pigs put on their jackets (it was winter).They put on their gloves and scarves. Next, it was time to put on their boots.Curly slipped on his bright red leather boots over his red and yellow polka dot socks.Wurly, being the most intelligent, slipped on his waterproof, fully lined boots over his white socks.Curly and Wurly were ready and waiting for their sister. She could not find her boots."Curly and Wurly," she said, "have you seen my boots?"Curly and Wurly looked at each other and then they looked at their sister."I’ll tell you where they are," said Wurly, "if you’ll give us your allowance to hold while you go and get them.""Okay," agreed Flo as she handed the boys her allowance."There are your boots, over there," said Curly. "Where?" asked Flo suspiciously."Over there!" squealed the boys as they pointed to the window in there living room."They're over there behind that curtain." Flo slowly walked toward the window.The boys followed closely behind their sister. Just as she reached the window, Curly opened the window and Wurly pushed Flo through. Curly and Wurly squealed with delight as their sister fell 75 floors. Curly and Wurly were thrilled that their plan worked. They were rid of Flo and they had her money! Luckily for Flo, she landed on a huge snow pile and was not hurt. Her brothers were not so fortunate. Mama Pig heard the commotion, ran into the living room and, when she realized what they had done, sent the boys to live with their Uncle Oscar Mayer.Uncle Oscar always knew what to do with bad little pigs. The boys protested. They were just doing Flo a favor by helping her find her boots; it wasn’t their fault that she was clumsy.But Mama would not listen to their excuses and off they went to Uncle Oscar’s. Flo and Mama Pig still live on the 75th floor of the apartment building in New York City, and their very happy there. Now Flo gets her brothers’ allowance since their not there.

The person to my left.

Right now, I am sitting at one of the many computers that our school provides, and to the left of me sits a girl named Erin. As I glance over at her quickly I notice a few things. First, her hair is a lot more blond than it was when we were buddys in pre-school, she's taller than I by a few inches and her hair falls lightly beyond her shoulders. After being friends for so long, I notice her usual habits that she probably does not even notice anymore. As she looks at her computer screen she shifts her weight to lean on her right elbow and brings her hand to her mouth and plays nervously with her bottom lip. She has always done this, and the memory of her mother telling her over and over not to do it is still fresh in my mind. She was always a nervous kid, so I guess it is what she does to calm her nerves. I also notice that her posture is not great as she sits at her computer slumped down and starring intensely forward. Another trait she seemed to always get punished for in typing class. That is the girl to my left. One of my best friends and someone who it would seem has been sitting to my left all my life.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Time Casule

If my community was planning to make a Time Capsule and I had to put five things of my choice into it, I know exactly what I would put in. The first thing I would put in would be a picture of New Brunswick that my grandfather took when he was a kid. I would put this in because I would like them to know how New Brunswick is supposed to look, and that they should try to restore it. The second thing I would put in would be my laptop, so they would see how our computers worked and how we accessed the Internet. The third thing I would put in would be a mixed CD that I made containing all my favorite music, so they could see what good music was in our time. The fourth thing I would put in would be a newspaper so they could understand the events that were happening in our time. The fifth thing I would put in would be some pictures of people working. I would put this in because, my guess is that if they have more technology than we have right now than they won't have to work for much.


Hello people from the future,

My name is Taylar. I live on the Rapid road, and you probably have no idea where that is. My family consists of me, my brother and sister and my parents. Well, I can only imagine the reaction you had to the things I left behind. They probably are not much compared to what you have now. In a way if your world is indeed how I assume, I feel bad for you future people. In my day, we walked places and drove in cars and worked for our money. You probably fly around with rocket shoes and are able to clone your friends, teleport to places and make a living by sitting around all day talking to a computer. I feel increasingly bad for you if you have never heard of McDonald's or never tasted a Big Mac. I have a bit of advice for you all. First, once in a while, take off your rocket shoes and go for a walk. It will do you good because you are all probably overweight due to lack of exercise. Second, be careful because if Global warming is still on the rise, there may be some earthquakes and hurricanes. If Global warming is proved to be a myth. Don't worry about it. Finally, you poor dear future people, if food no longer exists and you are forced to eat paste out of a tube. Go to the nearest time machine(which I'm sure you have due to enhanced technology) come back and make a stop at McDonald's. You won't be sorry.

So, that is about all I have to tell you about Future People. Good luck with your lives and happy travels.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Fantastic Five.

My music is something that is in my life everyday. I wake up to my favorite song as my alarm in the morning. When I get home from school, the first thing I do is plug my Ipod into speakers and listen to songs that make me feel comfortable and at home. The last thing I do before I go to bed is listen to a song that makes me feel relaxed. These are my top five favorite bands, I chose these bands because these are the bands that I have loved for years, each of these bands have provided me with songs that have got me through the good times and the bad. These bands are in no particular order.

#5: Demon Hunter

One of my favorite bands is Demon Hunter, they are one of my favorite bands because they seem to be the band that speaks to me the most when I'm in a bad mood. Demon Hunter is what I like to call a mix of everything. Each of their songs are different, the songs "My heartstrings come undone" and " Storm the gates of hell" could not be more different. At first if you listened to one song after the other you would assume that the songs were by different bands. I like Demon Hunter because none of their songs are the same,and the just keep surprising me with every new and different song they make.

#4: City and Colour

The band City and Colour is one of my favorite bands because of Dallas Green. Dallas Green has one of the best voices I have ever heard. His style of music is so different than anything else I've heard and his voice is very distinct. He has said that he writes songs when he is sad or something has happened in his life, and this shows through his lyrics. Dallas Green is one of the best musicians in my book because he takes risks with his music. To me, City and Colour comes out with songs that are made to instantly leave their mark on your mind, and I often compare their songs to Lays chips. Once you have one, you cant help but want another.

#3: Thousand Foot Krutch.

I have been listening to Thousand Foot Krutch for years now. Thousand Foot Krutch is the band I listen to when I'm in a good mood and want something to bob my head along with, they are also the band I listen to when I'm sad, when I'm mad, on a good day or a bad day. I guess I could say Thousand Foot Krutch has a song for every mood I'm in. Sometimes I think of Thousand Foot Krutch as the Mona Lisa, like they always have something they are happy about that I'm not sure of, which, is infectious and makes me happy. Therefore, every day that starts with a Thousand Foot Krutch song is a good one.

#2: Breaking Benjamin.

How I got interested in Breaking Benjamin in the first place, is a question I can not answer. The truth is, I can't remember how I stumbled upon them or when it was, but I do remember the first song I heard by Breaking Benjamin. That song is called "Breath" and I remember instantly having the lyrics stuck in my head: " You take the breath right you of me, you left a hole where my heart should be, you got to fight just to make it through 'cause I will be the death of you." After that day, I have always thought of Breaking Benjamin as one of the best bands in the world for the fact that they are impossible to ignore. Breaking Benjamin is a band that I would, without hesitation, give my right leg to see live.

#1: Flyleaf.

Flyleaf is unlike any band in the world. Sameer, Flyleaf's guitarist is one of the best I have heard in a while, let us not leave out Angus Young, who is the best guitarist of all time. But that is another band, another story. Above all else, I love Flyleaf for their lyrics. One of the songs that sticks out in my mind for it's memorable lyrics, is a song called " In The Dark": "There's only artificial light here. My flaws hide well here, I used to be afraid of cluttered noises. Now I'm afraid of silence. Fill this space, Idle words." I became interested in Flyleaf two years ago, and since then I have become, a mega fan. I have stated earlier that I would be willing to sacrifice my right leg to see Breaking Benjamin live. In this particular case, I believe I would sacrifice both my legs and my cat to see Flyleaf live. Flyleaf is very special to me because I feel like each of their songs has something I can relate to in them, and it is not often that you find a band that can hold your interest with every song they make. For me, that is Flyleaf.

This has been my top five favorite bands. If you have not had the pleasure of listening to one or all of them before, I suggest you give them a listen.

Exercise 3 of 3



Monday, March 8, 2010

Exercise 2 of 3

(Click on question number to jump to question.)
points earned
points possible
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15

Score: (60%)


Exercise 1 of 3

1- The team won (its) (it's) game. Did you win (yours)(your's), (to)(too) (two)?
The team won its game. Did you win yours, too?
2- They left (their) (there) books (there) (their)(they're).
They left their books there.
3- I hear (your) (you're) about to graduate
I hear you're about to graduate.
4- (Its) (It's) nice that (there) (their) (they're)friendly.
It's nice that they're friendly.
5- Although I get (alot) (a lot) of colds, I feel(all right)(alright)now.
Although I get a lot of colds, I feel alright now.
6- (Whose) (Who's) prettier (then) (than) you?
Who's prettier than you?
7- Are you tired? I'm out of (breathe) (breath),(too) (to) (two).
Are you tired? I'm out of breath, too.
8- Run back and (fourth) (forth) from (hear) (here) to(their) (there).
Run back and forth from here to there.
9- (Your) (You're) about to (loose) (lose) (your)(you're) book.
You're about to lose your book.
10- Everyone will (accept) (except) the prize (accept)(except) you.
Everyone will accept the prize except you.
11- Do you know (weather) (whether) or not he will give me the prize.
Do you know whether or not he will give me the prize.
12- Many people (choose) (chose) to live in large cities.
Many people choose to live in large cities.
13- Is the doctor (through) (thorough) (threw) with my exam?
Is the doctor through with my exam.
14- What (affect) (effect) does the school (principle)(principal) have on you?
What effect does the school principal have on you?
15- What did he (advice) (advise) you to do? Did you take his (advice)(advise)?
What did he advise you to do? Did you take his advice?
16- (There) (Their) (They're) are (alot) (a lot) of (your)you're) friends in the boat.
There are a lot of your friends in the boat.
17- I will (buy) (by) a book (buy) (by) Ray Bradbury.
I will buy a book by Ray Bradbury.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This time, the beauty is the beast.

T.V show- Supernatural.

Character- Persephone.

I would like to add the character Persephone to the show Supernatural. Persephone is the Goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology. I think Persephone would add conflict and romance to Supernatural. Currently on Supernatural, Angles are battling Demons and Sam and Dean are battling both. The Demons are trying to persuade Sam to let Lucifer possess him so that Lucifer can start the Apocalypse, and defeat all the Angels. So far, Sam has not fallen into their treacherous trap and I do not predict that he ever will, but I think Persephone could add an interesting twist.

My idea is that since the Demons are getting no where with their plot to trap Sam, they summon Persephone to lure him in. Persephone would come in human form, and soon make Sam believe that she is nothing more than an innocent woman, with a strange attraction to him. After weeks of gaining his trust, she would make a comment that he should allow Lucifer to use his body. Of course, Sam would catch on and she would be killed. Immediately. Leaving Lucifer's plan spoiled yet again. I feel that this would add some much needed excitement to Supernatural.

After being a fan of Supernatural for years, I feel that at this point in the show, it needs something to excite the fans, maybe even make them angry with this character, make them excited to see what will happen next. The first three seasons of Supernatural are like a non stop blood bath as Dean and Sam tear through countless demons, so I think that adding Persephone and adding a character that we can all love to hate will give back to Supernatural the spark it used to have. The actress that I feel would be a good choice to play Persephone would be Christina Ricci. I chose Christina Ricci because she is the right age group as I imagined and she tends to play characters that are sometimes dark and mysterious or troubled and malicious.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Great Escape.

Character:a 93-year-old woman
Setting:a wedding reception
Time:after a big meal
Situation/Challenge:something embarrassing has just happened

Hello, my name is Agnus Mayberry. I am a simple woman, my days are boring and very seldom full of excitement. Yet somehow at this moment I find myself in a situation that is beyond normal for a woman like me. My knees shake with anxiety and my stomach churns and twitches. As a 93 year old woman, I try my best to find an excuse to stay in my house everyday. But on this cursed occasion I have been pulled from the comfort of my home to this crowded reception by none other than my own family.

This may make me seem like a cold hearted woman who thinks little of my family, but to be honest, If you were in my orthopedic arthritis resistant crocks you would understand why I do not have a great bond with my family. They have scheduled meetings with every "Elderly care unit" in my small North Carolina town and have forced me to attend a tour of every one. But that is not how I intend to spend my final years, I would like to remain in the safety of my home, which is why I am no less than bitter about being here, even if my grandson Ellis has just gotten married.

As if leaving my house was not terrible enough. Upon arriving I was forced to take pictures with every family member in attendance, while each and every one whispered words of love to me, as if I were as fragile as a bird in their hands that would fly away at any moment. After being poked and mauled by what seemed like hundreds of hands, I was left alone to eat my meal and listen to countless toasts. Somewhere after the dishes had been cleared and cake had been served, I was pulled from my seat onto the stage where my daughter whispered in my ear "Make a toast to Ellis and Julie, just say congratulations or something."

I stood there in front of the crowd, cursing every face I touched my eyes upon, I opened my mouth to say the first thing that came to my mind, when I saw my youngest grandson Jude, raise his arm and gracefully release a tennis ball from his grip, which was intended for my terrier Rusty. Before I could swerve out of its path it bonked me on top of my head, causing me to lurch forward and the unthinkable to happen. As if in slow motion I saw my dentures fly from my open mouth, small specks of saliva fly behind it and every mouth in the crowd open in horror.

So, this is what brought me to this situation. Here I am standing silently in front of my family, that is not truly my family anymore. A million questions race through my mind and I suddenly am desperate for an escape. How could I get out of here? I am a strong woman and because of my pride, I must do what I may to protect my last ounce of dignity that remains. I roll my eyes for dramatic effect and make sure that everyone can see the whites of my eyes, then, careful not to harm myself, I drop to the ground. Everyone rushes towards me, screaming, terrified. I feel a roll of laughter urge it's way up my throat but swallow it careful not to blow my cover. "Oh no!" I heard Ellis scream, he had asked me only a week ago to be mentioned in my will, as the heir to my fortune, that secretly consists of three pennies and a quarter, so this small shriek made me shiver with a menacing joy.

"She's had a heart attack!" my daughter says with tears in her eyes, I can hear her shaking voice, although my eyes are closed. "Call an ambulance!" Before long, I hear the sirens approaching and am slipped onto a stretcher and placed in the back of the ambulance. The paramedics turn away quickly and head back to where a huge crowd stands. I watch them silently through squinted eyes. I lift myself up and slink away. I head straight to my car, that is not parked far from where the ambulance is stationed. I put the car in gear and head as far away as I possibly can.

My name is Agnus Mayberry, and at this moment I sit on a beach in Hawaii. I guess that my family stuffed almost ten thousand dollars into a secret account, put away for when I decide to finally move into one of the countless "Elderly care units" I've seen. A check was sent to my house in the mail, after I was reported missing, containing all the money in that secret account. So, here I am, with the world at my feet, happy that I was able to think of the perfect escape

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Part Two of Article Assignment

In the articles that I looked at, there were some very helpful points. To write for the Tickle Trunk, a writer needs to read, this is the most important part of writing, if you have experience with stories, writing your own will be easier. Also, when your done a story, think about it. Examine it and make sure that it is how you pictured it would be.

To be able to choose writing for the Tickle Trunk section you need to be able to do these simple things:
i) Read and Listen to the story.
ii)Find a spark.
iii)Determine if the writer uses concrete imagery and vivid descriptions.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Teen Writing Article

I chose to look at a website called "" which is a website where teens post their stories, poetry and art work to be evaluated by other teens. I feel this writing is effective because It provides a way for teens to express themselves and become familiar with allowing other people to read their stories or see their drawings. I like the idea of being able to publish your work for other teens around the world to comment on and give advice. What I would like to model from this in my own writing is that I would like people to read and evaluate my writing so I can make my writing as good as possible, with the help of other teens.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Writing Inventory

In my spare time, I do write a lot. Some of my favorite authors are P.C Cast and Kristin Cast, Maggie Stiefvater, Becca Fitzpatrick, Stephanie Meyer, Robert Munsch and Dr.Suess. My favorite kind of writing is fiction,any other type of writing does not seem to hold my interest.

The type of writing that is easiest for me is fiction. Attempting to write a story on things that happened in my life, or events in the world, for me, takes the fun out of writing. In my point of view, non-fiction or informational pieces of writing are extremely difficult.

I get my ideas from many different things, many times i have found inspiration in a song I heard or a picture I've seen. I have a piece of writing that I'm working on right now, although it is no where near being finished. At the moment, my piece of writing is simply a description of characters and ideas for plot. Last winter, I wrote a fictional story for my mother, as a joke. I am most proud of this piece of writing.

I write approximately three drafts for each assignment. I think one of my strenghts as a writer would be that I can develope an idea , add structure to that idea and create a story in my head, in an extremely short amount of time. My weakness would be that I have a hard time getting the ideas in my head down on paper.

I don't exactly have a favorite subject that I enjoy writing about because I really enjoy writing in general and I will write about anything, as i said earlier I prefer to write fiction but if asked to, I will write about anything.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Application fo Entertainment.

Gray Rapids, NB

February 10, 2010

Blackville School, NB

Dear Mr.Carter,


I would like a position in the Entertainment section of The Talon. I am a people person, I enjoy hearing things from different points of view and seeing things from another persons perspective. In this way I would do well at the sections of Entertainment where I would review music or movies. If I were to review a flim or the top ten songs of this month, I would get the opinon of other people and take that into account and not base my review on my opinion only. I think I could bring a scence of personality to The Talon, for example if i were brainstorming ideas for a film review, but first I had to choose a film, I would look for a film that not only some of our schools population would enjoy. Some people enjoy films like 17 Again, others would enjoy a film like Terminator. My idea would be to review a movie that all of the student body could enjoy, a film that may be in between genres and not only direct my review to a certain group of people, but the entire school.

I hope you take my application into account and I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly,


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Facing the Truth

He sits slumped down into the chair that is stationed next to the phone; he stares at its gleaming black surface, silent and relentless.

He drifts in and out of awareness as he goes over every possible scenario in his mind. Finally the phones wail proclaims that he will soon be provided with an answer to the question that has been gnawing at the edge of his every thought for two months.

At first the only obstacle in his otherwise normal life was the sudden absence of his ability to focus his vision on the smallest of things. Letters began to blur together then faces. His first response to this problem had been that the threat of old age had crept upon him.

But then came the headaches that filled him with merciless pain, he became bed ridden and soon was transferred to a hospital.

He underwent what seemed like hundreds upon thousands of different tests, but now he was faced with the result.
With a trembling hand he retrieves the receiver from its perch, instantly silencing the phones cry.

He brings it to his ear and beads of sweat appear on his forehead. As he listens without a word he grips the receiver so tightly that his knuckles flush white. Suddenly he mumbles the word “goodbye” and the receiver falls swiftly from his hand.

Time seems to stop all focus is blurred; the receiver is still as if while plunging to the ground below, it suddenly is stopped and no gravity exists. Words fly within his brain, words he tries to eliminate as he slams his eyes shut and runs out of his house, feeling suddenly short of breath.

He collapses and feels the cold, hard surface of the pavement materialize too quickly beneath him, large tears leave paths on his face as they fall silently to the ground, he cant remember the last time he smiled and cant imagine when he ever will get the chance to again, devastation roll over him in waves and still the words don’t leave his mind…..pain, suffering, loss, then the most devastating of all words slinks slowly into view clearer than all the other words.

His head drops into his hands as he sees the word through his minds eyes and it comes to life as it slides off his tongue “cancer”.